Multiple interfaces

Stefan Bethke stb at
Mon Jan 10 15:45:54 UTC 2011

Am 10.01.2011 um 15:28 schrieb Peter Ankerstål:

> I want access to a public and a private network from a jail.
> Can I configure a jail with multiple interfaces?

Yes, see rc.conf(5):
                 (str) Unset by default.  Set to the (primary) IPv4 and/or
                 IPv6 address(es) assigned to the jail.  The argument can be a
                 sole address or a comma separated list of addresses.  Addi-
                 tionally each address can be prefixed by the name of an
                 interface followed by a pipe to overwrite
                 jail_<jname>_interface or jail_interface and/or suffixed by a
                 netmask, prefixlen or prefix.  In case no netmask, prefixlen
                 or prefix is given, `/32' will be used for IPv4 and `/128'
                 will be used for an IPv6 address.  If no address is given for
                 the jail then the jail will be started with no networking

Assuming that the private and the public networks are attached to em0 and em1, respectively, you'd set
in rc.conf.


Stefan Bethke <stb at>   Fon +49 151 14070811

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