Thoughts on jail.config

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Tue Jun 29 10:12:36 UTC 2010

Quoting James O'Gorman <james at> (from Mon, 28 Jun 2010  
23:40:21 +0100):

> On 28 Jun 2010, at 16:38, Jamie Gritton wrote:
>> On 06/28/10 08:41, Rodrigo Mosconi wrote:
>>> An idea: if it works like a "jaild"? A daemon management the start-up,
>>> shutdown, console redirection?  All the admins task could be done by a
>>> "jailctl"?
>> I don't know what work a daemon would have to do. I only see it running
>> tasks on startup, and then waiting until something tells it on shutdown
>> to wake up and stop the jails. That "something" would have to be that
>> jailctl you mention. If there's a jail program running anyway, might as
>> well keep all functionality in that one program.
> Perhaps it's worth looking at Solaris Zones here, as that runs a  
> daemon in both the global zone and each container. I can't recall  
> exactly what it does off-hand as I don't have a Solaris box to hand  
> but it's probably similar to what you're talking about. I'm pretty  
> sure zoneadm talks to zoneadmd to start/stop/configure each zone in  
> the kernel.

Yes, but it also takes care about the zone console device  
This (and maybe some resource control stuff) is the only thing I see  
which may make sense to be handled by a daemon, everything else could  
be handled by zoneadm directly. I also see a security benefit of the  
daemon if you give the right to manage zones to an user/role != root.  
Both is not available in FreeBSD.

There is also the zsched running per zone. This process is explained  


Never have so many understood so little about so much.
		-- James Burke    Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7       netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137

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