Importing jails from 7.0, 7.2 to 8.0.

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at
Mon Feb 8 22:38:24 UTC 2010

Jose Amengual wrote:
> The problem that I had was that if I don't install compat7x I will not be able to use any software inside of my jail like bash, portupgrade, perl etc so you are force to install it and then upgrade all ports.
> I as getting this errors :
> /libexec/ Shared object " not found, required by "ruby18" etc and none of the services are running.
> when I was running almost all the thirty party utilities or ports apps installed on the jail.

But you can use tools from base system:
cd /usr/ports/some_category/some_port
make deinstall
make reinstall
make clean

So this way you can upgrade ruby + portupgrade from (t)csh shell without 
need of compat7x.
Or even better, you can use portmaster instead of portupgrade. 
Portmaster is plain "sh" shell script without dependencies on any other 
port so it will work in your "broken" jails.
You just need cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster/ && make install clean 
&& rehash

Miroslav Lachman

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