ioctl call freebsd < 7.2 in jail

Axel Scheepers axel.scheepers at
Fri Dec 18 11:08:26 UTC 2009

"Bjoern A. Zeeb" <bzeeb-lists at> writes:

> What I was thinking was this commit to head and the PR mentioned
> there:

Ah I see, thanks!

> Note that 7.1 or earlier won;t have the prison_check_ip4() function,
> different byte order requirements etc (and not IPv6 support).
> It's s pretty short thing but has to be "converted" correctly.
> I might be able to do that later today.

Noted, but don't worry, let me see if I can fiddle it out myself.

Thanks for this very quick helpfull response,
Kind regards,

Axel L.C.M.C. Scheepers
Systems & Network Engineer

axel.scheepers at

Tel +31 40 2393393
Fax +31 40 2393310
Mob +31 6 46382759

Claranet Benelux BV
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