crontab hanging won't die on SIGTERM in jail

Stef Walter stef-list at
Fri Aug 7 01:11:19 UTC 2009

Michael Scheidell wrote:
> you arn't running ezjail, are you? could there be anything in ezjail
> that would do this?

I'm not running ezjail, and I don't think it's related.

For me the common denominator for the jails that exhibit this, is that
java (java/jdk15) is started from an rc.d script. This is anecdotal at

It also doesn't happen immediately. Today I was playing with such a jail
and cron would happily restart (ie: '/etc/rc.d/cron restart') until I
left it alone for a few hours.

I have a dummy cron job (eg: /usr/bin/true), which runs every minute.
/var/log/cron shows that the job is still being run even when cron is
ignoring the TERM signal.



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