ipsec ipencap

Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas nbari at k9.cx
Mon Jun 9 05:59:28 UTC 2008

this option IPSEC_FILTERGIF seems only to work when using ipencap, but  
any idea on how to make it work when not using ipencap ?


I had to make an VPN using IPSEC, the vpn is on the master host and is  
working but if it is only available from the master host not the  
jails, how can i make the jails to ping/access/telnet the VPN?

I have something like this:>A.A.A.A<------VPN /INTERNET--------->B.B.B.B--- 
             jails1 --->A.A.A.1  _|
	     jails2 --->A.A.A.2  _|

the jail1 is the one that needs the vpn to acces but if y try to ping from jail1 with public IP (A.A.A.1) does not get any  
response, the VPN is only working from the master host.

Any ideas on how to fixt this?

my kernel has already compiled with:

options IPSEC
options IPSEC_ESP
device  crypto
device  enc
options IPSEC_NAT_T


 > nbari

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