New wiki page - Jails

Frank Behrens frank at
Tue Jun 3 06:21:31 UTC 2008

alexus <alexus at> wrote on 2 Jun 2008 20:17:
> Multi-IPv4/v6/no-IP jails
>  In progress
>  Bjoern A. Zeeb
>  The multi-IPv4/v6 jails project was resumed in early January after
> previous work had been abandoned in 2006.
> As an alternate solution to full network stack virtualization, this
> work shall provide a lightweight solution for multi-IP virtualization.
> Perforce
> based on FreeBSD 7.x?/8.x
> any ETA at all? seems like such a demanding feature, yet its barly
> made it to the list of things to do :(

I can't give you an ETA, but I can give you a good feeling. ;-)
On Bjoerns page are already patches available. I'm testing this on 
RELENG_7 and did not see any problems, it works very well on a 
(small) productive system.

Frank Behrens, Osterwieck, Germany
PGP-key 0x5B7C47ED on public servers available.

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