What to put in devfs for a typical jail

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Mon Jul 30 06:18:15 UTC 2007

Quoting Paul Hoffman <phoffman at proper.com> (from Sun, 29 Jul 2007  
11:57:45 -0700):

> Greetings. I want to set up a jail for a web server. It only needs to
> access the things a normal system would (its own disk space, the
> network controller, the keyboard, and so on). I need to be SSHing into
> the jailed system to control it.
> The manpage for jail says:
>      NOTE: It is important that only appropriate device nodes in devfs be
>      exposed to a jail; access to disk devices in the jail may permit pro-
>      cesses in the jail to bypass the jail sandboxing by modifying files out-
>      side of the jail.  See devfs(8) for information on how to use   
> devfs rules
>      to limit access to entries in the per-jail devfs.
> What should I do for /etc/devfs.rules on the host? What should I be   
> excluding?

Additionally to what you already got as a response: I doubt you need  
access to the keyboard in the jail. Access to the keyboeard makes only  
sense if you also have a way to give access to a display. X.org will  
not run in a jail without a kernel patch, and I haven't tested if you  
can give access to a virtual console in a jail (if I listen to my  
belly, I have my doubts that it is possible without some patches).

Some predefined rules for devfs are in /etc/defaults/devfs.rules.


The best you get is an even break.
		-- Franklin Adams

http://www.Leidinger.net    Alexander @ Leidinger.net: PGP ID = B0063FE7
http://www.FreeBSD.org       netchild @ FreeBSD.org  : PGP ID = 72077137

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