Running postgres 8.2 in a jail

Max N. Boyarov m.boyarov at
Thu Aug 30 04:19:13 PDT 2007

>>>>> "KR" == Karsten Rothemund writes:

 KR>  Hello list,

 KR> I played a little bit with jails on FBSD 6.2 (just to learn). One jail
 KR> I want to use as database server, so installed postgresql82-server
 KR> from the ports. 


 KR> The question is simple: what is missing, what is wrong?

 KR> (I can of course provide any config and information if more is needed)

 KR> Thank you for any hint,

 try enable security.jail.sysvipc_allowed

Max N. Boyarov / jid: zotrix at /
Key fingerprint: F6E5 A1DE 619F 72E3 3EEC  2EFF 5C95 E05C CA05 9E8F

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