pam _start: system error

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Wed Aug 29 08:36:35 PDT 2007

Quoting Kalnz <kalnz at> (from Mon, 27 Aug 2007 22:21:25 +0300):

> Alexander Leidinger wrote:
>> Quoting Kalnz <kalnz at> (from Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:54:19 +0300):
>>> Hi!
>>> After installing (in the jail) mysql-server-5.0.45 from ports,
>>> I can`t get up and running my mysql server.
>>> I have to point out that this problem is only inside the jail.
>>> All I have is:
>>> 1) clean mysql-server install
>>> 2) default my.cnf (small systems)
>>> 3) mysql_enable="YES"
>>> After this server should run, but it didn`t, so I get this:
>>> # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start
>>> Starting mysql.
>>> su: pam_start: system error
>>> #
>>> In the logs there is:
>>> su: in openpam_load_module(): no found
>>> su: pam_start: system error
>>> In fact file is present in /usr/lib directory.
>>> I`m sure this is because of jail, but I can`t figure out what could be
>>> the problem.
>> How do you startup the jail, how have you populated the basesystem   
>> in the jail initially? What's the size of, what does   
>> "file /usr/lib/" print?
> I took some info from here when making my first  jail :
> Anyway I have 2 jails and everything was working fine until now when I
> installed mysql-server and can`t run it inside the jail.

It's not the installtion instruction as documented by FreeBSD. I use  
mysql in an ezjail (ports) created jail. It works without any problems.

> # file /usr/lib/ output:
> symbolic link to `'
> The same output from base system.
> size = 10848 Bytes

As the size is printed, there's a real file at the end of the link. So  
my first idea what the problem is, is busted. ATM I have no further  
idea. You would have to "ktrace -i" what the mysql startup is doing  
and have a look at the output (man ktrace, man dump). Then you can  
maybe check that everything what it tries to touch is there.


People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.    Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7       netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137

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