International Workshop NG2CT 2017- Sousse (TUNISIA)
Pr Med Salim BOUHLEL
msalim.bouhlel at
Sun Jul 2 13:43:42 UTC 2017
NG2CT call for papers
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Call for Papers, Posters and Tutorials
Dear Colleague,
On behalf of the organizational committee, I would like to inform you
that we are organizing an international Workshop: Next Generation
Computing and Communication Technologies (NG2CT'17). This Workshop is
organized by the research unit: Sciences and Technologies of Image and
Telecommunications (setit) of University of Sfax (Tunisia) in
partnership with various Tunisian and foreign research structures and
laboratories. It will be held in Marhaba Palace Hotel-Sousse (Tunisia)
from 25 to 27 August 2017.
Sousse is one of the best holiday resorts in Tunisia. Joining our
workshop, you can combine Academia and science to leisure and tourism
The NG2CT'17 Workshop seeks papers, posters and tutorials describing
significant research contributions. The topics include, but are not
limited to, the following tracks:
. Intelligence & Recognition . Human-Machine interaction . Deep
Learning and Deep Bayesian Networks . Virtual & Augmented Reality
. Next Generation Image Sensor and Camera System . Robotics for Next
Generation Home Appliance . Cloud Computing . Security & Privacy .
Autonomous Driving
. Communication and Networking . Next Gen Systems and Services . Green
Solution for Next Gen Networks (NGN) . Electronic Microelectronic
. Signal and Image Processing . Control and instrumentation
More Information ?
All papers should be submitted through our online submission system.
Only electronic submission will be accepted. Papers must be in PDF and
written in English or French.
All accepted papers will appear in several well-known and well-indexed
Additive Information
Financial support
NG2CT'17 allocates a financial backing of among of 50% of the
registration fees to participants not supported by their university and
residing in developing countries. This Financial support is available
to help them to attend NG2CT'17
More Information ?
Tutorials list:
1. Dr. Nidhal BOUAYNAYA (USA): Multi-Dimensional Signal Clustering and
Image Segmentation with Non-Negative Matrix Factorization - Application
to Brain MRI and Alzheimer
2. Dr Dharm Singh Jat (Namibia): Futuristic Wireless Networks for
Multimedia Applications
3. Dr. Vipin Agrawal (India): The Real Time Information System (RTIS)
and its Implications in Modern Technology based Tourism Industry
4. Dr. Taoufik Nouri (Switzerland): Artificial Intelligence Steering
Behaviors for Autonomous Drones Swarm
5. Pr Med Salim BOUHLEL (Tunisia): Human-Machine interaction
6. Pr Anton Nijholt (Netherlands): Introducing Brain-Computer
7. Dr. Dimitrios A.Karras (Greece): Dealing with Uncertainty in
Knowledge Engineering and Intelligent Systems Computations and the
prospects of Interval Analysis
8. Pr. FIRKHAN ALI BIN HAMID ALI (Malaysia): Human-Technology Centric
in Cyber Security Maintenance for Digital Transformation Era
9. Marius M. Balas (Romania): The Fuzzy-Interpolative Systems and
10. Pr. Amir Hajjam El Hassani (France): E-Care Platform: A Promising
E-Platform for Optimizing Management of Chronic Diseases
11. Dr. Nefissa CHAKROUN (Tunisia): Managing Intellectual Property is
it a matter for Academics?
More Information ?
Important dates:
Start of submission: june10, 2017
Paper Submission Due Date: July 15, 2017
Notification to authors: 1 month after submission
Workshop Date: August 25 - 27, 2017
Create Your Account ?
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries regarding
NG2CT'17 medsalim.bouhlel at .
We look forward to seeing you among us.
Yours Sincerely,
Pr Mohamed Salim BOUHLEL
General Co-Chair of SETIT 2016
Head of the Research Unit: SETIT ( Sfax University )
Editor in Chief of the International Journal HMI
President of the Tunisian Association HMI
Vice President of the ASDF (Africa Region)
GSM (+216) 20 20 00 05
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