OSS Control Panel to manage FreeBSD jails ... ?

Adam McGreggor adam-fbsd at amyl.org.uk
Wed Jul 21 20:49:28 UTC 2010

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 03:49:07PM -0300, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> what it doesn't do is dns or email management ... dns is modified 'by  
> request', and email is a totally seperate, unintegrated inferface ...

If you've got moderately technically competent users, you may find
Jonathan McDowell's AutoDNS


useful (at least, if users run their own DNS servers).

(Or indeed, use some of that/the idea to allow zonefile updates by
gpg-signed email)

Last time I looked at this (letting end-users faff with DNS zones) --
a few years back -- there were a couple of not-so-sucky options
available of freshmeat. 

As for managing email, hum. That's where it gets complicated. Presumably
your MTA handles database-lookup/backends (or indeed, flatfiles for
each domain), so why not build a quick and dirty $language-of-choice
script to pull known domains (to the account), and let them run wild,
obviously, with syntax checking.


may be worth a look, if you've not seen it already, and don't want to
completely write something yourself.

(although, note
    http://www.ex-parrot.com/~chris/wwwitter/20070305-chris_lightfoot_1978-2007.html )

> I don't want to have to log 
> into multiple interfaces to deal with support issues, for instance .. 
> but, at the same time, don't want to force a client to have two different 
> interfaces to handle things ...
> Does anyone have any suggestions on software that could replace this? 

Presumably you're not talking about using RT (or similar) here, as the
software used to store/process the support requests, but something to
manage them.

I think the short answer is, none of us will ever be completely
content with stuff other people have written, so, erm, it's best to
roll our own, for our own needs, and hope it works/doesn't break.

''meetings, n.:
    A place where minutes are kept and hours are lost.''

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