Default LQR timeout period

Bikrant Neupane bikrant_ml at
Tue Jan 11 21:48:11 PST 2005


We have pppoe server running on FreeBSD 4.9 and 90% of our wireless clients 
are using MS Windows OS to access the service. I have noticed that when ever 
there is some problem in the link ( due to AP or SM reboot, switch reboot etc 
etc ) the pppoe connection closes. I have also noticed that the MS Windows 
client closes connection at 40-45 seconds after the link is down. I tried to 
increase default LQR timeout period at Server by using set lqrtimeout to some 
higher values. That did affected the serverside ppp process but the MS client 
still disconnected at 40-45 seconds. :(

I prefer to set the timeout period somewhere between 120-150 seconds so that 
even if there is problem in the link the client doesn't get the disconnect 
notice and have to reconnect again and the client and servers are able to 
continue same session.

Is there any way to control the default LQR timeout period of the Client from 
the Server end??

My question is more related with ms windows still I am asking this question to 
freebsd group so that I can solve the problem from the server end ;)


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