upgrading from 4.10 to 5.3R, is it worth the upgrade just yet?
Alexander Leidinger
Alexander at Leidinger.net
Sun Nov 28 13:41:17 PST 2004
On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 09:26:45 +0100
Kurt Jaeger <lists at complx.LF.net> wrote:
> Hi!
> > I have couple of 4.10 production boxes. is there any major advantage to
> > upgrade to 5.3R ?
> >
> > or should I just leave a working functioning system alone..
> Here's a list of reasons why we are currently analysing this option:
> o more recent IPsec (probably usable, it wasn't in 4.10)
Please define "usable". I hadn't any problems configuring it as a VPN
for a customer.
> o better threads (unsure, how much better?)
4.x: all threads of a program run on the same CPU (even on a SMP machine)
5.3: the threads of a program run on more than one CPU
> o SMP/HTT support improved (unsure, how much -- we have crashes on
> some 4.10 systems?)
Can you reproduce the crashes (even on 4-stable)? Do you have
backtraces? If not: the handbook tells how to obtain one. If you need
help to obtain one I'm willing to help (I'm working in Esslingen at
least until the end of the year).
Regarding HTT: it's only beneficial for special workloads.
If you have multiple processes with the same workload which want to use
the CPU at the same time, it may be better to disable HTT (we have
numbers for MySQL which suggest to disable HTT at least for the
benchmark workload).
If you mix integer workload with floating-point workload, it should be
beneficial to enable HTT. But you should test it instead of blindly
following the suggestions. :-)
Regarding SMPng: for some workloads we're faster than 4.x, for some we
The best things in life are free, but the
expensive ones are still worth a look.
http://www.Leidinger.net Alexander @ Leidinger.net
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