mod_frontpage + apache2

Justin Hopper jhopper at
Fri Mar 19 09:23:55 PST 2004

On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 06:10, Erik @ wrote:
> Hi list,
> Is this still possible? 
> I tried to compile but it fails on apache1.3 dependencies. 
> howto run frontpage server extensions  on bsd  with apache2?
> or has something totally different came in place?

We have FrontPage and Apache 2.x running in a production environment on
FreeBSD 4.9.  The mod_frontpage module seemed to be much more solid and
easier to deal with than the old 1.3x module.

We followed the same steps that Gustavo A. Baratto outlined and it went
without a hitch.

Justin Hopper  <jhopper at>
UNIX Systems Engineer
Hosting Division of Digital Oasys Inc.

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