Best IDE RAID5 solution for FreeBSD 5.2 ?

Adrian at Connexus adrianl at
Wed Mar 10 19:17:06 PST 2004

Hi Andrew,

Thank-you very much..  The HD software found a bug on
one of the drives that hadn't degraded - fixing that
seems to have worked..  I thought HDs were supposed to
fix things like that internally ?!

You saved me lots of time and effort - email your address
and i'll add you to my Christmas card list!!


At 03:36 PM 3/9/2004, you wrote:
>Sorry I meant the HD diagnostic program from the driver manufacturer. For
>Maxtor it will be:
>and get the program called "Powermax".
>It is a very low-tech DOS based program but it works. The program will take
>hours to run but the time is worth it because then you know the problem is
>with the controller / OS and not the drive. Also these low-tech programs may
>not understand drives attached to your 3Ware card so you may need to scan
>them one by one connected to the normal IDE connectors on the MB.
>I had seen lots of random "missing interupts - mirror lost" while running
>FreeBSD ATA raid setups, I have debugged the drivers and replaced controller
>hards to no avail. And then eventually figured out that it was the drive(s).
>[Yeah, I did change drives too.]
>Sure, that is different from your true hardware 3Ware RAID setup but the
>moral of the story is the same. Make sure your drives are error free!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Adrian @ Connexus" <adrianl at>
>To: "Andrew Chan" <achan at>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 12:20 PM
>Subject: Re: Best IDE RAID5 solution for FreeBSD 5.2 ?
> > Hi Andrew,
> >
> > I don't think 3ware make such a utility for FreeBSD
> > unfortunately... Do the other's supply these utilities?
> >
> > Thanks, Adrian
> >
> > At 03:05 PM 3/9/2004, you wrote:
> > >Whatever software/hardware you end up using, make sure you run the HDs
> > >through the vendor supplied diagnostic program and scan every sector.
> > >
> > >It takes lotssss of time but it will be worth it.
> > >
> > >I had in the past wasted zillion of hours chasing down RAID problems
> > >HighPoint/Promise controllers plus software RAID) on FreeBSD and they all
> > >end up being "bad sector" problems.
> >
> >

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