FrontPage conversion

Bob Martin bob at
Tue Feb 24 18:24:54 PST 2004

There are 2 game plans for this.
You can upgrade apache, and then install mod_frontpage on the old 
system. Tell the new Front Page to upgrade the existing sites, then move 
to the new server.

Build the new box, move the sites, then install mod_frontpage, and 
upgrade the existing sites.

Either way, make backups, and read the FP server docs. I've personally 
had good luck with both methods, but prefer the second, mostly because I 
don't alter the "know good" installation.

By the way, run the latest 1.3.x (currently 1.3.29) apache, and if you 
didn't already know it, Front Page is a real apache mod now, so you 
don't have to jump through hoops to build it.

Bob Martin

John Fox wrote:
> Hello,
> We've got a clunky old FreeBSD 2.2.2 machine hosting approximately
> 30 FrontPage sites (FrontPage version 3).
> We want to move them to a more modern FreeBSD 4.X system, (running
> FrontPage version 4.0 or 5.0 (preference being 5.0)) but we're sure
> that there have been finicky changes in file formats and such between
> versions, in fact, someone else in the department has confirmed this.
> So we're wondering -- we can't be the first people to have this
> problem, and thus it is that I ask you folks, has anyone here had to
> deal with this situation?  Are there any tips for moving/upgrading
> these sites?
> Thank you,
> -John
> --
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | John Fox <jjf @>   |    System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
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