MySQL / apache tuning

Ralph Forsythe rf-list at
Tue Jun 24 16:52:47 PDT 2003

Not my server, not my app, and not an option. :)

It's not running too slow at the moment actually (could be a little faster
tho), but the memory usage is just outrageous.  Ways to "trim the fat" so
to speak on mysql would be good, with apache I've been finding some things
to try.  I did read up on's site about my.cnf tuning, however
they don't really go into the ramifications of changing variables.  I
don't want to just follow an example, I want to actually base the numbers
off something useful.


On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Kevin Lyons wrote:

> mysql is not your problem.  throw php away and write the app in c.

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