(long) MRTG :: SELECT
suggestions,recommendations,configurations FROM%expert_users
sereciya at kurdistan.ath.cx
Thu Apr 10 07:51:52 PDT 2003
Hello Mark,
Thank you very much for the information on MRTG!
It's the best and most detailed advice yet, greatly
I love the one-liner reply from somebody else that
said "ports net/mrtg" or something, yeah great;
What I was asking was for *practical* advice, not
where to find the documentation; that, I am quite
capable of doing... and besides, that wasn't even
a real URL or anything, I'm surprized that person
even though that such a lame comment could ever
possibly be usefull to anybody!
| Welat xwe ava nake, dest bidin hevdu, pist nedin tu dijminî |
| Riya azadiyê ne hêsan e, hêviya xwe bernedin, dema me |
| nêzîk e. |
| |
| Hevaltî bi kesên du rû nekin, hevaltî bi hevdu ra bikin |
| Ne ji hevaltiya wan kesên pêxwas û rû dirêj, ne bi wan |
| kesên xwînperest, ne jî ji yên din. |
| |
| -Sêrêciya Kurdistanî |
translation provided on request: sereciya at kurdistan.ath.cx
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