FreeBSD as a firewall

Ralph Forsythe rf-list at
Sun Apr 6 12:30:44 PDT 2003

I am using OpenBSD as my firewall, currently on 3.2, and will be 3.3 after 
it comes out and seems stable.  I have been using it for a couple of years 
now and love it; and yes, the security of the system is a primary 
consideration, that and the fact that I can get a complete system up and 
configured in less time than it takes to get a pizza 
delivered.  Performance is great as well, I've never seen the load go past 
95% idle.  One guy on the OBSD list tested it with I believe about 50,000 
open states with a lot of bandwidth and it never went below 85% idle.  That 
says something...

Currently I have it on a P3-600 (overkill, but it's the only spare 
rackmount system I had) with one on-board ethernet and a 4-port Znyx 
100-mbit card.  Works great!  FreeBSD will likely work well for a firewall, 
I just found PF on OpenBSD to be about the damn coolest thing I've used for 
it in a while (note: I have never used FBSD as a firewall, just for 

- Ralph

At 02:08 PM 4/6/2003 -0400, ljacobs wrote:
>Folks --
>If you are using IPFW or IPFilter or PF as a packet filer/firewall on your 
>FreeBSD system I am interested in hearing about your configuration and 
>satisfaction with your setup. How did you make your dwecision? What type 
>of hardware are you running this on? Do you have anything else running on 
>that computer besides the firewall? Have you had any breakins in spite of 
>this protection? Would you consider OpenBSD as an alternative for a 
>firewall because of its security and ease of using and managing PF?
>Thanks for any comments.
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