ISDN4BSD (HPS version) is going into ports

Hans Petter Selasky hselasky at
Sun Jul 15 17:47:26 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 11 July 2012 19:07:42 Andreas Longwitz wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to get ISDN4BSD from ports (rev 2349) with FreeBSD 8.3 working. My
> first step is to run the daemon isdnd with isp0 interface for
> connections to some isdn routers. Therfore I use option SPPP together
> with the default options. ISDN hardware is Primux S0, everything worked
> fine with my old configuration FreeBSD 6 Stable and ISDN4BSD rev 1641.
> My first try was to load i4b on the running kernel, but I found
>      kldload i4b  -->  kldunload i4b  --> crash  (very often)
>      kldload i4b  -->  kldunload i4b  --> ifconfig --> crash (always)
>      kldload i4b  -->  crash (somtimes, trap 10 or trap 12).
> I can give any informations from the dumps.

Hi Andreas,

If you can collect the backtrace from these crashes, that would be nice. I 
believe the SPPP functionality has not been tested for a while. I'm currently 
using I4B mostly for voice.


> Now I load i4b via loader.conf and don't try to unload, no crashes anymore.
> I use interface isp0 with sppp and 'ifconfig isp0' with option link1.
> Further I have
>      isdnconfig -u 0 te_mode -p DRVR_DSS1_TE.
> For outgoing calls everything looks fine, the isdn line is transparent
> for the network users.
> Incoming calls do not work yet. If I ping from the outside one packet
> gets a response, four are missing, another packet gets a response, four
> or five are missing, ... Every packet is a separate ISDN call.
> On the console I see messages
>    i4b-L3 dss1_decode_q931_cs0_ie_cd: IEI_BEARERCAP - Unsupported
>           B-Sub-Protocol 0x00
> But isdndecode shows correct bearer capability for the incoming SETUP:
> L3 06 05 0------- Message type extension = 0
>          -0000101 Message type = SETUP
>  (0x05)
> L3 07 A1 1------- Single octet Information element
>          -0100001 Sending complete
> L3 08 04 0------- Variable length Information element
>          -0000100 IE = bearer capability
> L3 09 02 00000010 IE Length = 2 bytes
> L3 0A 88 1------- Extension Bit = 1                 (no extension, final
> octet)
>          -00----- Coding standard = CCITT
>          ---01000 Capability = 0x08, unrestricted digital information
> isdnd.log:
>   CHD ev_incoming_from_i4b: Incoming call from '4514998058' to '4982872'
> (cdid=00064)
>   DBG cep_set_state: [ST_IDLE: entry is not active] -> [ST_INCOMING:
> incoming call, waiting for user-response]
>   CHD ev_incoming_from_i4b: 00064 CiscoNet is accepting incoming call
> from 4514998058 to 4982872
>   DBG sendm_connect_resp: accept
>   DBG sendm_connect_resp: sent I4B_CONNECT_RESP
>   DBG cep_set_state: [ST_INCOMING: incoming call, waiting for
>      user-response] -> [ST_WAIT_CONNECT: incoming call, waiting for
>      i4b-response]
>   DBG handle_scrprs: 4514998058 - screening user provided, verified & i
>      passed
>   DBG handle_scrprs: 4514998058 - presentation allowed
>   DBG response_to_user: sent I4B_RESPONSE_TO_USER [disconnected]
> Further I see TEI REQUESTS and the NT-side offers them, but i4b does not
> use them, the TEI REQUESTS are repeated.
> Any ideas ?
> Some more hints to the ports version of ISDN4BSD:
> 1. The option ING=on does not work for me, because kldload fails with
>  KLD i4b.ko: depends on netgraph - not available or version mismatch
>  I have netgraph static in the kernel.
> 2. The option TRACE is mandatory and therefore not an option. Without
>  TRACE kldload fails with link_elf: symbol i4b_l1_trace_ind undefined.
> 3. I use the following minor patch for isdnd to keep the pidfile:
> -- src/usr.sbin/i4b/isdnd/support.c.orig       2011-10-10
> 20:34:44.000000000 +0200
> +++ src/usr.sbin/i4b/isdnd/support.c    2012-07-10 15:53:26.000000000 +0200
> @@ -854,7 +854,7 @@
>                 case 0:                 /* child */
>                         break;
>                 default:                /* parent */
> -                       exit(0);
> +                       _exit(0);
>         }
> ISDN4BSD in the ports is a great thing, even without working
> kldload/kldunload.
> Andreas Longwitz
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