i4b-L2 ... i_queue full or no fifo translator (Asterisk
Thomas Zimmermann
tzimmermann at mac.com
Thu Sep 11 21:39:43 UTC 2008
Thank you Hans Petter!
I found out the message above appears only if asterisk is running and calls
are established with the other PBX mostly during office hours.
i4b-L2 dss1_pipe_data_req: unit=0, pipe=0, i_queue full or no fifo
If the message appears I will check again with:
isdndecode -u 0 -i -o -x
asterisk -rvvvvvv and 'capi debug'
How can I set the commands permanently?
isdnconfig -u 0 -p DRVR_DSS1_P2P_TE
isdnconfig -u 0 power_on
Do you have some hints for capi.conf, extension.conf and smsq?
regards, Thomas
> Von: Hans Petter Selasky <hselasky at c2i.net>
> Datum: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 20:37:09 +0200
> An: <freebsd-isdn at freebsd.org>
> Cc: Thomas Zimmermann <tzimmermann at mac.com>
> Betreff: Re: i4b-L2 ... i_queue full or no fifo translator (Asterisk
> chan_capi)
> Hi,
> There is a tool called "isdndecode", which you can run like:
> isdndecode -u 0 -i -o -x
> It will dump all the contents of the D-channel. Maybe you will find some error
> messages there.
> If you are using P2P you should maybe add the "power_on" feature to your
> config:
> isdnconfig -u 0 power_on
> It will disable ISDN power saving.
> Does the following message only appear when you re-start asterisk ?
> i4b-L2 dss1_pipe_data_req: unit=0, pipe=0, i_queue full or no fifo
> translator!!
> --HPS
> On Thursday 11 September 2008, Thomas Zimmermann wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I use Asterisk with CAPI on FreeBSD 7 and Nagios only for sending and
>> (later) receiving SMS alerts over ISDN to and from mobile users. Receiving
>> SMS is an option to acknowledge or delegate alerts. Now I have stumbled
>> across three issues.
>> 1. Sharing Asterisk on the same NT with an existing PBX:
>> We have an ISDN line with 4 NTs (8 BRI channels) and 100 telephone numbers
>> for DDI. The protocol is point-to-point. Since connecting Asterisk behind
>> the existing PBX is not possible, I share one of the NTs with the existing
>> PBX. I assume that the existing PBX listens to all DDI Numbers. How can I
>> configure Asterisk to listen to one number without interfering with the
>> other PBX?
>> 2. I am still confused as to how I should setup capi.conf and
>> extensions.conf correctly for an ISDN line with DDIs! All documentation I
>> have found (readmes and Google) mainly focuses on ISDN with
>> point-to-multipoint (msn). Although my configuration works, I see strange
>> behavior. After running Asterisk for about 15 minutes, the
>> /var/log/messages log file and the console fill up about five times every
>> second with the following message: i4b-L2 dss1_pipe_data_req: unit=0,
>> pipe=0, i_queue full or no fifo translator!! I can stop this message using
>> '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/asterisk stop'. You can see my configuration files
>> further down in this mail.
>> Do I have to set more parameters in my configuration, or should I replace
>> my (passive) ISDN interface with an active one?
>> 3. Sending SMS, the command above runs successfully, and I receive a
>> message on the mobile phone. However, it displays the wrong ?Calling Line
>> Identification (CLIP)?: It shows the main number instead of the DDI
>> extension.
>> smsq --motx-channel=?CAPI/ISDN1/0622100000' 079xxx8690 'Hello World? (valid
>> for Swisscom in Switzerland)
>> Versions:
>> - Asterisk (build from the ports tree)
>> - i4b and chan-capi (svn rev. 850) from Hans Petter Selaski
>> - FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p4 amd-64
>> ISDN Line:
>> 4 basic lines / 4 NTs
>> 100 DDI extensions (extensions are 2 digits)
>> Using ISDN and Channel Driver from Hans Petter Selasky. i4b and chan-capi
>> (svn rev. 850).
>> #pciconf -lv
>> ihfc0 at pci0:6:0:0: class=0x028000 card=0x2bd01397 chip=0x2bd01397 rev=0x02
>> hdr=0x00 vendor = 'Cologne Chip Designs GmbH'
>> device = 'HFC-S PCI A ISDN 2BDS0 ISDN HDLC FIFO Controller'
>> class = network
>> #isdnconfig
>> controller 0 = {
>> Layer 1:
>> description : HFC-2BDS0 128K PCI ISDN adapter
>> type : passive ISDN (Basic Rate, 2xB)
>> channels : 0x3
>> serial : 0xabcd
>> power_save : on
>> dialtone : enabled
>> attached : yes
>> PH-state : F7: Activated
>> Layer 2:
>> driver_type : DRVR_DSS1_P2P_TE
>> }
>> # cat capi.conf
>> [general]
>> nationalprefix = 0
>> internationalprefix = 00
>> language = de
>> rxgain = 1.0
>> txgain = 1.0
>> [ISDN1]
>> isdnmode = DID
>> incomingmsn = 1234500
>> defaultcid = 1234578
>> controller = 0
>> group = 1
>> softdtmf = on
>> relaxdtmf = on
>> accountcode=
>> context = capi_in
>> holdtype = local
>> echocancel = no
>> devices = 2
>> # cat extensions.conf
>> [default]
>> include = capi_in
>> include = capi_out
>> [capi_out]
>> exten => _X.,1,Dial(CAPI/ISDN1/${EXTEN}/bl,60)
>> exten => _X.,2,Hangup
>> [capi_in]
>> exten = _678,1,Dial(SIP/78)
>> exten = _678,2,Hangup
>> noc# cat sip.conf
>> [general]
>> context = default
>> allowoverlap = no
>> bindport = 5060
>> bindaddr =
>> srvlookup=yes
>> [78]
>> type = friend
>> context = capi_out
>> callerid = 012 123 45 78
>> host = dynamic
>> secret = timbuktu
>> nat = no
>> canreinvite = yes
>> dtmfmode = info
>> call-limit = 1
>> mailbox = 7878 at sip
>> disallow = all
>> allow = alaw
>> callingpres = allowed_passed_screen
>> Thank you for any input.
>> regards,
>> Thomas Zimmermann
>> Alpnach Dorf, Switzerland
>> +41 41 670 39 90 Telefon/VoIP
>> +41 79 341 86 90 Mobile
>> +41 41 670 39 89 Telefax
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