help with ISDN line setup

Hans Petter Selasky hselasky at
Thu Jul 5 15:12:36 UTC 2007

On Thursday 05 July 2007 09:44, zytek-lists at wrote:
> Hello list,
> I need help with setting my ISDN line. It's my first contact with ISDN.
> FreeBSD 6.2-RELENG_6_2, i4b and chan_capi from SVN.
> I have working i4b and chan_capi installed. And.. I have no idea
> what to do next. My ISDN line is working - I have plugged it to ISDN
> phone and it worked fine. When I plug it into my card I have
> PH-state F3 - deactivated
> I've experimentally put my card in pcm_master, then pcm_slave.
> PH-state was then in F8: Lost framing, sometimes jumping for a second
> to Synchronized or Active. Now it is again in F3 and stable. :)
> [root at asterisk ~]# isdnconfig
> controller 0 = {
>   Layer 1:
>     description : HFC-2BDS0 128K PCI ISDN adapter
>     type        : passive ISDN (Basic Rate, 2xB)
>     channels    : 0x3
>     serial      : 0xabcd
>     power_save  : on
>     dialtone    : enabled
>     attached    : yes
>     PH-state    : F3: Deactivated
>   Layer 2:
>     driver_type : DRVR_D_CHANNEL
> }
> When I run capitest -i 1 -o 1 I get this in dmesg:
> i4b-L3 cd_set_state: cdid=384, persistent L1 deactivation - check ISDN
> cable
> I believe that before I proceed with asterisk configuration
> I have to get isdn line working. But I have no idea what should I do,
> what driver_type set up etc.
> Currently there is another device connected to that ISDN line too,
> maybe I should disconnect it before proceeding?

Some times ISDN lines use P2P mode.

isdnconfig -u 0 -p DRVR_DSS1_P2P_TE pcm_master

capitest -u 0 -o "some_valid_number"

The default is:

isdnconfig -u 0 -p DRVR_DSS1_TE pcm_master

Try running:

isdndecode -u 0 -i -o -x

In another window when running the tests. Try to call in.

Tell us a little more about your setup.


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