AW: freebsd-isdn-newbie doesn't know, where to start

Kai Krebber Kai.Krebber at
Mon Jun 19 12:19:25 UTC 2006

Hi, Dean!

Thanx for the quick response. I added your lines to the generic and started compiling. At least now, I got that far.
While waiting for 'make' to finish, maybe you (the list in general) can answer me a few questions:

I started following the document for rebuilding the kernel - just in case!

" Change your working directory to /sys/i386/conf. Lets assume for now that the name of your kernel configuration file is ISDN4BSD (in case you have never before recompiled your kernel, copy the default kernel configuration file, GENERIC, to your own configuration file, ISDN4BSD, and customize it)."

OK - did that. Wait a minute. There's already a KERNISDN, the smells like what I'd like to have...

" For FreeBSD >= 4.x the driver architecture is changed and as a result, every supported PCI card has got its own driver. It is not necessary anymore to specify any option string, just the device statement must be used.
AVM Fritz!Card PCI 	(FreeBSD >=5.x)	device ifpi 1"

And further on:
"for FreeBSD >= 5.0 replace the keyword pseudo-device with the keyword device in the following examples..."

Great! So I changed 
   device ifpi

device ifpi 1

and all pseudo-devices to devices as requested.
But running 


only got me a 

config: KERNISDN:282: syntax error

which is exactly the first just changed line. Is the document wrong here?
Changing the ifpi-line back to it's original I got the next error with

device "i4btrc" 4

Looking into the manpage for config, it doesn't seem that the 4 is a valid parameter for the device keyword, which would explain the error message, but then again the documentation would be bogus..


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-freebsd-isdn at [mailto:owner-freebsd-isdn at] Im Auftrag von Dean Benazic
Gesendet: Montag, 19. Juni 2006 13:57
An: freebsd-isdn at
Betreff: Re: freebsd-isdn-newbie doesn't know, where to start

On Monday 19 June 2006 13:30, Kai Krebber wrote:
> Do I or don't I have to compile a new kernel in 6.0 to use my
> Fritz-card?

I use this to compile my 6.x kernel with ISDN config. The fritz card also 

# --- I S D N   C O N F I G U R A T I O N ----------------------------------

device      iwic
device      ihfc
device      iavc
device      isic
device      ifpi
device      ifpi2

device          "i4bq921"
device          "i4bq931"
device          "i4b"

device          "i4btrc"
options         NI4BTRC=4
device          "i4bctl"

device          "i4brbch"
options         NI4BRBCH=4
device          "i4btel"
options         NI4BTEL=2
device          "i4bipr"
options         NI4BIPR=4
options         IPR_VJ
options         IPR_LOG=32
device          "i4bisppp"
options         NI4BISPPP=4
#device          "i4bing"        2
### device          "i4bdss1"

Dean Benazic
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