Asterisk on FreeBSD + ISDN BRI

Hans Petter Selasky hselasky at
Thu May 26 13:00:22 PDT 2005

On Thursday 26 May 2005 20:31, Hellmuth Michaelis wrote:
> Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> > The only problem I see is that the official version of I4B doesn't
> > support an alert phase: calls must be either accepted or rejected.
> Then have another look and you will find that alerting is supported.
> Besides that i don't see this an item why it would not be possible
> to get asterisk support for i4b.

"/dev/i4b" supports alerting OK, but "/dev/i4btelXXX" doesn't. And if you want 
to get sound-data from a call, one has to do something similar to what 
"isdnphone" does, right?

And then comes the problem "/dev/i4btelXXX" can only work as an answering 
machine or dial out. There is no "ringing" signal from "/dev/i4bteldXXX" so 
that "isdnphone" can decide whether to accept a call or not, and not just 

If one does it properly multiple configurations (cep's) in isdnd should be 
allowed to compete for a call. Then it should be possible to set up an 
answering machine in addition to "isdnphone".

So it would have been nice if you could have had a look at my code to see how 
I implemented it, so that we don't end up incompatible.


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