Asterisk on FreeBSD + Passive ISDN BRI

Hellmuth Michaelis hm at
Thu May 26 11:25:35 PDT 2005

Cian Hughes wrote:

> Ok, from what I can see _NO_ passive ISDN cards will work with  
> Asterisk on freebsd, is this correct & is it likely to change soon?

This is correct. It is unlikely to change soon unless somebody just
sits down does it or does some fundraising to pay someone for doing it.

Hellmuth Michaelis                                      mbl +49 (0)160 96455696
secion GmbH                                             fon +49 (0)40 389071-0
Buelowstrasse 20                                        fax +49 (0)40 389071-19
22763 Hamburg                                 

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