new I4B package, now v.1.5.0

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at
Sat May 29 15:10:16 PDT 2004

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:


> I must admit I spent too much time on this project, but I managed to get
> through it after 6 months with broken source code. Very much code has been
> re-written, and I hope it is better than the old code.

I have to admint I have no looked at your page yet for longer than a
few seconds...

some questions:

- is the code modularized (kld support) ?
- did you maintain the I4B API so taht (old) isdnd etc. still works ?
- did you take care about locking (running Giant free) where possible ?
- have there been some updates since your posting ? if so - where can
  they be found ?
- what are your plans with this code ? Getting into current ?
- did you contact hellmuth ?


Bjoern A. Zeeb				bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT

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