Why is bus_set_resource() rarely used? Docs for ISA cards

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Wed Nov 19 05:24:08 PST 2003

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 14:06:31 +0100
Gary Jennejohn <garyj at jennejohn.org> wrote:

> > http://www.freebsd.org/projects/busdma/index.html
> > 
> No i4b stuff listed on that page ;-)

I know. But the goals of this project describe why it would be

> I suppose it would be a worthy effort in any case, but testing could be
> difficult.  I personally don't even own a motherboard with ISA slots and
> gave away all my ISA-based ISDN cards long ago.

isic0 at port 0xb00-0xb1f,0x300-0x31f,0x1300-0x131f,0xee0-0xeff,0x6e0-0x6ff,0x16e0-0x16ff,0x1b00-0x1b1f irq 3 flags 0x4 on isa0
isic0: passive stack unit 0
isic0: AVM A1 or Fritz!Card Classic

I don't use it to dial out anymore (but I still have it configured, so
it would be possible just by executing a little command), but it's
always nice to see the number (or name) of the caller pop up on my
desktop. Feel free to send patches you want to have tested. :-)


            Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day;
     teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.

http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
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