Still problems with ISDN using Elsa MicroLink on 5.0-R

Robert Eckardt Robert.Eckardt at
Sat Jun 28 03:37:00 PDT 2003


on my new 5.0-RELEASE system I still can't get a connection in my
ISDN environment. I'm using an ELSA MicroLink ISDN/PCI:

isic0: <ELSA MicroLink ISDN/PCI> port 0xc000-0xc003,0xbc00-0xbc7f mem
0xe0022000-0xe002207f irq 9 at device 6.0 on pci1
isic0: passive stack unit 0
i4bisppp: 4 ISDN SyncPPP device(s) attached
i4b: ISDN call control device attached
i4btel: 2 ISDN telephony interface device(s) attached
i4brbch: 4 raw B channel access device(s) attached
i4bipr: 4 IP over raw HDLC ISDN device(s) attached (VJ header compression)
i4bctl: ISDN system control port attached
i4btrc: 4 ISDN trace device(s) attached

isic0 at pci1:6:0: class=0x028000 card=0x10001048 chip=0x10001048 rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
    vendor   = 'ELSA GmbH'
    device   = 'QuickStep 1000 PCI to SCSI Bridge'
    class    = network

My old system (4.4-RELEASE) uses a Teles S0/16
isic0 at port 0xd80 iomem 0xd0000-0xd0fff irq 12 flags 0x2 on isa0
isic0: passive stack unit 0
isic0: Teles S0/16 (or compatible)
i4bisppp: 4 ISDN SyncPPP device(s) attached (VJ header compression)
i4b: ISDN call control device attached   
i4btel: 2 ISDN telephony interface device(s) attached
i4brbch: 4 raw B channel access device(s) attached
i4bipr: 4 IP over raw HDLC ISDN device(s) attached (VJ header compression)
i4bctl: ISDN system control port attached
i4btrc: 4 ISDN trace device(s) attached 

When I compare the traces of a phone call from my PBX back to me between
the old system and the new one I don't recognize a significant difference.
The traces are attached in files ISDN-Trace-Ghost.log (for the old system)
and ISDN-Trace-Quasar.log (for the new system).

However, when I dial out to my ISP (tracefile ISDN-Trace-Quasar-PPP.log)
my PBX hangs until power-cycled. Therefore, there are no traces of my
trial to phone out in this log.

Now, is this a problem with the driver or with the card?
Can someone find anything unusual in the log?
Do you need more information?


Dr. Robert Eckardt    ---    Robert.Eckardt at
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