Query about DoV on recent i4b /FreeBSD-5.1: has anyone had success

phillip at cs.jcu.edu.au phillip at cs.jcu.edu.au
Mon Jun 16 19:22:27 PDT 2003


I have successfully used DoV on i4b on FreeBSD from 4.5-RELEASE through to
4.7-RELEASE with a Traverse Technologies NETjet-S card.  During this time,
I always had to apply some patches from Traverse Technologies which
essentially used a 'v' character in the dial-out number to request that the
call be marked as voice instead of data.  I have kept these patches in a
set of notes at


Now, with FreeBSD-5.1, this capability is obtained by selecting b1protocol
as hdlc and then setting the optional parameter bcap to dov.  I have had no
success in using user-ppp and this feature.  HAS ANYONE HAD SUCCESS USING
DOV ON RECENT i4b?  If so, could they please email me sample isdnd.rc and
ppp.conf files.

I have written a small patch to one source file so that the -P option to
isdnd can confirm that I have asked for DoV (it is trivial and I'll post it
shortly).  I have also 'hardwired' the code to always request a DoV call
but with no success as my ISP disconnects my call (my ISP will disconnect
any call to their DoV line if the call is not marked DoV to prevent the
caller from being hit by exorbitant per-byte Australian charges, although I
have not tried to get my ISP to verify precisely why my calls disconnect
yet).  If no one can report success, then maybe the problem is not me but
something in the latest version of the code (in which case I'll organise
some logs etc.).


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