using isdnd as incoming call logger

Julian Stacey jhs at
Tue Jun 3 08:30:20 PDT 2003>

Christoph Kukulies wrote:
> I've read that at least Gary, maybe others, are using i4b (isdnd) as
> a logger of incoming phone calls.

Me too, with names of humans, not numbers, shown in 24x80 xterm 
that invokes isdns, but also in a wide short xterm I leave marked
`sticky' so it stays at bottom of whichever pane my window manager
is in. I start that by a couple of line in
        . /etc/isdn/variables
        xterm -geometry 80x3-0-90 -fn 9x15bold -n telno \
                -T "`hostname -s` - Phone log" -e \ 
                 ~jhs/public_html/bin/.sh/telno2 &
        echo $! > $telno_pid

To generate my (4000 line) isdntel.alias from my personal & business phone 
`books' (files really) I use
(which also generates a subset comparible with Nokia 6110,
        loadable with /usr/ports/comms/gnokii
 & also generates for Istec 100[38] TK anlage (= ISDN PBX) 
   controlled by /usr/ports/misc/estic )

> Anyone having a config file for this?

Sent in private mail.

Julian Stacey       Freelance Systems Engineer, Unix & Net Consultant, Munich.
  Ihr Rauchen => mein allergischer Kopfschmerz !   Schnupftabak probieren.

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