New Kernel under 5.0

Michael Koerner Michael at Koerner.De
Sat Apr 19 02:38:15 PDT 2003

Michael Reifenberger wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Apr 2003, Michael Koerner wrote:
>>whenever I try to build a Kernel with i4B support and also include the
>>device          "i4bing"        2
> This is the expected result if adding "i4bing" without the 'NETGRAPH*' options family.
> So nothing is broken.

If things are not documented they ARE broken! 

Which gets me ranting about the way the 5.0 Kernel stuff has changed. There used to be a LINT file which documented all possible options. Very handy. You went through it and added what you needed. Officially now there's the NOTES files which should do the same thing. But it simply misses ca 70% of the things which used to be in the LINT file. E.g. Appletalk support for the Kernel is something which the NOTES file don't mention.

So from where the ... shall I know know what to add for specific features. Is it only me who has a problem here or am I stupidly overseeing a obvious piece of documentation all others know about?

Well obviously I'm ranting in the wrong newsgroup. But can some enlightened soul plese let me know what the options are, I need to include to get ALL things in i4B compiled ?



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