keep-state and in-kernel NAT exposes local ip on external interface

Ian Smith smithi at
Tue Jul 28 05:30:44 UTC 2015

Way back on Wed, 1 Jul 2015 22:02:53 +0300, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
 > On 30.06.2015 22:20, Georgios Amanakis via freebsd-ipfw wrote:
 >   It is good example for my changes :) All this "skipto / keep-state"
 > magic is not understandable.

Indeed.  So all we're waiting for, Lev, is some simple usage examples of 
how things should be done with your new stateful operators, especially 
when combining stateful rules with NAT.  Please see what you can do ..

I know it's clear to you, but I for one cannot get my head around these
without a couple of examples, roughly suitable for inclusion in ipfw(8) 
EXAMPLES section.  Rough illustrations would do fine at first.

In the problems shown lately, including the one below (harder to read 
with the quoting wrapped like that!) it seems the problem of keepalives 
being issued using the internal address would not occur if keep-state 
was only applied _after_ NAT, only on the already-translated source 
address, but like you and apparently many others, I find these rulesets 
very difficult to follow in terms of different possible flows.

cheers, Ian

 > > On FreeBSD 10.1p13 with two interfaces em0(internet) and em1(lan) I
 > > can fish (tcpdump)packets on em0 which have escaped the in-kernel
 > > NAT and have as source address an IP on the LAN.
 > > 
 > > This should not happen and I can confirm that with pf this is not
 > > the case. I have the following ipfw rules:
 > > 
 > > nat:  ipfw nat 123 config ip same_ports reset
 > > 
 > > 00100 reass ip from any to any in 00200 allow ip from any to any
 > > via lo0 00300 allow ip from any to any via em1 00400 nat 123 ip
 > > from any to any in recv em0 00500 check-state 00600 skipto 24000 ip
 > > from any to me dst-port 80,443,22,500,4500,1194,993,8112 in recv
 > > em0 keep-state 00700 skipto 24000 ip from any to any out xmit em0
 > > keep-state 00800 deny log ip from any to any 24000 nat 123 ip from
 > > any to any out xmit em0 24100 allow ip from any to any
 > > 
 > > Contrary to many online tutorials, including the example of the 
 > > handbook regarding NAT ( 
 > >, when
 > > one places the NAT rules with the opposite order (i.e. outbound
 > > rule first and then the inbound rule) the problem disappears.
 > > 
 > > i.e. ... 00400 nat 123 ip from any to any out xmit em0 ... 24000
 > > nat 123 ip from any to any in recv em0 ...
 > > 
 > > Why is this happening? Any objections to reversing the order of the
 > > NAT rules?

 > - -- 
 > // Lev Serebryakov

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