IPFW rule sets and automatic rule numbering

bycn82 bycn82 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 00:34:47 UTC 2014

On 9/17/14 22:58, Freddie Cash wrote:
> Just to summarise everything:
> 1.  Automatic rule numbering works beautifully if you only ever use 
> the default rule set (set 0).  Meaning, if you don't use any set 
> commands at all.
> 2.  If you manually number every rule, then using rule sets works 
> beautifully.
> 3.  Doing a little set manipulation allows you to load updated rules 
> without disconnecting anyone or dropping any packets:
>   disable set 1
>   load rules into set 1
>   enable set 1
you dont need below steps.
>   swap set 1 0
>   disable set 1
> I understand how everything works a little bit better now.  Thanks for 
> all the help and pointers and discussion.
> -- 
> Freddie Cash
> fjwcash at gmail.com <mailto:fjwcash at gmail.com>

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