kern/163873: ipfw fwd does not work with 'via interface' in rule body

Коньков Евгений kes-kes at
Fri Jan 6 21:30:13 UTC 2012

The following reply was made to PR kern/163873; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: =?windows-1251?B?yu7t/Oru4iDF4uPl7ejp?= <kes-kes at>
To: Greg Radzykewycz <fbsdpr at>
Cc: freebsd-gnats-submit at
Subject: Re: kern/163873: ipfw fwd does not work with 'via interface' in rule body
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2012 23:25:27 +0200

 Çäðàâñòâóéòå, Greg.
 Âû ïèñàëè 6 ÿíâàðÿ 2012 ã., 23:07:40:
 >>Number:         163873
 >>Category:       kern
 >>Synopsis:       ipfw fwd does not work with 'via interface' in rule body
 >>Confidential:   no
 >>Severity:       non-critical
 >>Priority:       low
 >>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
 >>State:          open
 >>Class:          sw-bug
 >>Submitter-Id:   current-users
 >>Arrival-Date:   Fri Jan 06 21:10:09 UTC 2012
 >>Originator:     Greg Radzykewycz
 >>Release:        8.2-RELEASE
 GR> Inland Networks
 GR> FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE #0:
 GR> Wed Dec 21 09:06:00 PST 2011   
 GR> root at  i386
 GR> This PR may be related to the following PRs.
 GR> kern/129036
 GR> kern/122963
 GR> In upgrading a firewall from FreeBSD 4.11 to 8.2 there was a
 GR> problem with the firewall not forwarding DNS queries to a DNS
 GR> proxy server running on another box. The firewall rules were
 GR> identical between 4.11 and 8.2. Sample rule follows.
 GR> ${fwcmd} add fwd ${dnsproxy} udp from any to ${atldns1} domain in via ${iif1}
 try to add before your rule this one:
  ${fwcmd} add log fwd ${dnsproxy} udp from any to ${atldns1} domain
 and see /var/log/security to obtain how kernel see that packet
 Also notice that when you receive 'via rl0' and you try to fwd to
 address that is reachable on rl3 the packet will have state 'out xmit rl3'
 and not 'via rl0', as you expect, maybe.
 GR> While this worked on 4.11, it did not on 8.2.
 GR> After a Google search turned up nothing pertinent, testing
 GR> different variations of the firewall rule was done. The box was
 GR> taken out of service and reconfigured for testing. Testing was done with TCP for simplicity.
 GR> The following worked.
 GR> ipfw add 350 fwd tcp from any to 53
 GR> With tcpdump running on, packets to TCP
 GR> port 53 were seen when the command "telnet 53" was run on the firewall box.
 GR> The following did not work.
 GR> ipfw add 350 fwd tcp from any to 53 via em0
 GR> Interface em0 was the only interface connected and configured at
 GR> the time and also was the default route ( Any
 GR> external IP traffic would pass through em0 regardless. Doing the
 GR> same test with tcpdump running on, packets to
 GR> TCP port 53 were not seen on when the
 GR> command "telnet 53" was run on the firewall box.
 GR> The firewall box was reconfigured for production use. The
 GR> firewall rules associated with proxying DNS requess were all
 GR> changed to remove 'in via ${iif}' and the box was put back in
 GR> service. Without the 'in via' in the rules, it functioned as
 GR> expected proxying the DNS queries.
 GR> See description. The problem was consistent and repeatable.
 GR> Unknown.
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 GR> freebsd-bugs at mailing list
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