Load balancing ipfw + NAT

Grégoire Leroy gregoire.leroy at retenodus.net
Thu Jun 30 01:12:55 UTC 2011


I try to use load-balancing with IPFW. I've 3 lines : 2 ADSL and 1 SDSL. I try 
to loadbalance http trafic on ADSL1( and ADSL2(

My gateway has 4 network devices. 1 for each line (em 1 ->, em2 ->, em3 ->, and one for local network (em0 ->

On my gateway, there are 3 nat instances :
natd -p 8868 -dynamic -interface em3
natd -p 8869 -dynamic -interface em2
natd -p 8868 -dynamic -interface em1
Here is my config relative to the load balanc :

$cmd 300 divert 8868 ip from any to any via $adsl1_if
$cmd 301 divert 8869 ip from any to any via $adsl2_if
$cmd 302 divert 8870 ip from any to any via $sdsl_if

$cmd 00320 check-state

$cmd 0670 prob 0.5 skipto 17000 tcp from $clients to any $tcp_web setup $ks
$cmd 0671 skipto 19000 tcp from $clients to any $tcp_web setup $ks

$cmd 017000 divert 8868 ip from $clients to any in
$cmd 017500 divert 8868 ip from $clients to any out 
$cmd 017700 allow all from any to any 
$cmd 019000 divert 8869 ip from $clients to any out 
$cmd 019500 divert 8869 ip from $clients to any in
$cmd 19700 allow all from any to any 

$cmd 17550 fwd $isp1 ip from to any 
$cmd 19550 fwd $isp2 ip from to any 
$cmd 23500 fwd $isp3 ip from to any 

$cmd 65534 allow all from any to any

ipfw show :

00300 16789 17438940 divert 8868 ip from any to any via em3 
00301     0        0 divert 8869 ip from any to any via em2 
00302     0        0 divert 8870 ip from any to any via em1 

00670  6409  7934908 prob 0.500000 skipto 17000 tcp from to any 
dst-port 80,443,25,3128 setup keep-state
00671 21464 26576872 skipto 19000 tcp from to any dst-port 
80,443,25,3128 setup keep-state

17000  1145    59132 divert 8868 ip from to any in
17500     0        0 divert 8868 ip from to any out
17700  6409  7934908 allow ip from any to any
19000     0        0 divert 8869 ip from to any out
19500  3848   198584 divert 8869 ip from to any in

The skipto seems good, so I don't understand why I don't catch packet with a 
tcpdump on em2 : it seems that all web traffic pass by em3.

Can someone explain me what is wrong ?

PS : my work is based on http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ipfw/2003-

Grégoire leroy

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