Firewall Profiling.

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Wed Dec 28 06:26:49 UTC 2011

Hello, Luigi.
You wrote 27 декабря 2011 г., 18:26:00:

> plans, yes - not sure how long it will take. I have compiled
> ipfw+dummynet as a standalone module (outside the kernel)
> but have not yet hooked the code to netmap to figure out how fast
> it can run.
 I still don't understand why it should be faster than "normal" way,
as it is essentially same (ipfw + dummynet) code + some additional
context switches for netmap (to userland and back).
 What does netmap shave off from packet processing in this particular
case, to compensate context switches? I

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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