IPFW eXtended tables [Was: Re: IPFW tables, dummynet and IPv6]

Pawel Tyll ptyll at nitronet.pl
Sun Dec 25 19:45:10 UTC 2011

> At the moment maximum number of tables remains the same however it is
> now possible to define IPFW_TABLES_MAX to 65k without much (memory)
> overhead. Since pointer to tables are stored in array, defining 2^32
> tables require 4G * (8+8+1) memory for pointers only.
65k  is  also  a  good amount. Gives me 10 tables per vlan. :)

> By the way, I see two possible syntax changes for interface tables:
> ipfw add .. skipto tablearg ip from any to any lookup
> <src-iface|dst-iface|iface>
> or
> ipfw add .. skipto tablearg ip from any to any recv|xmit|via table(X)
> Personally I like 'lookup' variant.
recv|xmit|via  is  in  the  ipfw  spirit, so while personal tastes are
always important, I would personally keep it consistent.

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