amd64/148157: IPFW in kernel nat BUG found in FreeBSD
Shant Kassardjian
pookme at
Sun Jun 27 07:00:13 UTC 2010
The following reply was made to PR amd64/148157; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Shant Kassardjian <pookme at>
To: <yanefbsd at>
Cc: <freebsd-gnats-submit at>
Subject: RE: amd64/148157: IPFW in kernel nat BUG found in FreeBSD
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2010 06:47:13 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi Garrett=2C
I just tried to perform a kernel dump with dumpdev=3D"YES" and had no luck=
=2C I keep getting:
Cannot dump. Device not defined or unavailable.
my custom kernel is set to disable:
#options KTRACE # ktrace(1) support
#options KDTRACE_FRAME # Ensure frames are compiled in
#options KDTRACE_HOOKS # Kernel DTrace hooks
must recompile kernel to enable tracing?=20
I'm currently using the intel pro 1000 chipset / em0 driver=2C I've been ex=
periencing all sorts of network stability problems for a while now(ever sin=
ce I upgrade to stable a month ago). It looks like the em0 driver for amd64=
needs alot of work however a couple of days ago when I recompiled my box t=
o the latest stable 8.1-prerelease I saw alot of improvments and my ipfw/du=
mmynet firewall seems to be running stable with no crashes/lockups so far..=
It is very easy for me to replicate the in nat kernel problem=2C i just can=
t get a dump to provide you the additional info.
Let me know how I can help.
Shant K
> Date: Sat=2C 26 Jun 2010 11:52:01 -0700
> Subject: Re: amd64/148157: IPFW in kernel nat BUG found in FreeBSD 8.1-P=
> From: yanefbsd at
> To: pookme at
> CC: freebsd-gnats-submit at
> Hi=2C
> Do you have a backtrace for the issue (bt from ddb=2C or the
> equivalent bt from kgdb)? I'm asking because I saw various issues
> running with in kernel nat as well in various bits of the kernel --
> one was the ip routing code=2C one was the ipfw_nat code=2C and the other
> was the network driver that I was using=2C bce(4). All items suggested
> that there's a locking issue. The reference to the mail thread I
> started is here:
> (note that it's an issue with 8.1-* and 9-CURRENT).
> Thanks=2C
> -Garrett
Turn down-time into play-time with Messenger games
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Hi Garrett=2C<BR><BR><BR>I just tried to perform a kernel dump with dumpdev=
=3D"YES" and had no luck=2C I keep getting:<BR><BR><BR>Cannot dump. Device =
not defined or unavailable.<BR><BR><BR>my custom kernel is set to disable:<=
BR><BR><BR>#options KTRACE # ktrace(1) support<BR><=
BR>#options KDTRACE_FRAME # Ensure frames are compiled in<=
BR>#options KDTRACE_HOOKS # Kernel DTrace hooks<BR><BR><BR=
>must recompile kernel to enable tracing?=A0<BR><BR><BR>I'm currently using=
the intel pro 1000 chipset / em0 driver=2C I've been experiencing all sort=
s of network stability problems for a while now(ever since I upgrade to sta=
ble a month ago). It looks like the em0 driver for amd64 needs alot of work=
however a couple of days ago when I recompiled my box to the latest stable=
8.1-prerelease I saw alot of improvments and my ipfw/dummynet firewall see=
ms to be running stable with no crashes/lockups so far...=A0<BR><BR><BR>It =
is very easy for me to replicate the in nat kernel problem=2C i just cant g=
et a dump to provide you the additional info.<BR><BR><BR>Let me know how I =
can help.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Thanks=2C<BR>Shant K<BR><BR><BR><BR>>=3B Dat=
e: Sat=2C 26 Jun 2010 11:52:01 -0700<BR>>=3B Subject: Re: amd64/148157: I=
PFW in kernel nat BUG found in FreeBSD 8.1-PRERELEASE<BR>>=3B From: yane=
fbsd at<BR>>=3B To: pookme at<BR>>=3B CC: freebsd-gnats=
-submit at<BR>>=3B <BR>>=3B Hi=2C<BR>>=3B Do you have a =
backtrace for the issue (bt from ddb=2C or the<BR>>=3B equivalent bt from=
kgdb)? I'm asking because I saw various issues<BR>>=3B running with in k=
ernel nat as well in various bits of the kernel --<BR>>=3B one was the ip=
routing code=2C one was the ipfw_nat code=2C and the other<BR>>=3B was t=
he network driver that I was using=2C bce(4). All items suggested<BR>>=3B=
that there's a locking issue. The reference to the mail thread I<BR>>=3B=
started is here:<BR>>=3B
2010-June/025594.html<BR>>=3B (note that it's an issue with 8.1-* and 9-C=
URRENT).<BR>>=3B Thanks=2C<BR>>=3B -Garrett<BR> <br /><hr />=
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