ipfw and smtp port rewriting

Oleksandr Samoylyk oleksandr at samoylyk.sumy.ua
Sun May 18 19:09:12 UTC 2008

Hello freebsd-ipfw,

I'd like to make smtp port rewriting for any destination by means of ipfw.

With iptables I just used this rule in order to achieve this functionality:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ppp+ -p tcp --dport 2525 -j DNAT 
--to-destination :25

Reading man ipfw and playing a bit with rules I composed this rule, 
which doesn't however work:

ipfw add fwd any,2525 tcp from any to any 25 via ${tun}

How to achieve the same functionality as in iptables for smtp port 
rewriting for any destination?


  Oleksandr Samoylyk

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