Dummynet, gif, and ipsec

Derek (freebsd-ipfw) 482254ac at razorfever.net
Fri May 9 16:17:07 UTC 2008

Ermal Luçi wrote:
> Well this is a patch to shape IPSec tunnels with ALTQ and FreeBSD 6.3
> as you are running. It is another alternative to dummynet though it
> have been tested with pf but should work with ipfw too since it knows
> about ALTQ.
> Hope it helps!

Hi Ermal,

Thanks for the response!

I'm looking to roll this out on 5-7 machines, so I'm really looking for 
a solution where we wouldn't have to make changes to the kernel code and 
would be supported by the base system moving forward.

Are you planning to submit a PR with this patch?

Also are the m_tag, or altq_tag the same tags created with the ipfw tag 

-- Derek

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