IPv6 tables?

Max Laier max at love2party.net
Tue Aug 5 14:56:17 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 05 August 2008 16:42:25 Max Laier wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 August 2008 16:33:04 Matt Dawson wrote:
> > Just a quick question: What would it take to have similar functionality
> > to the IPv4 tables in ipfw for v6? Is there a specific reason it isn't
> > there (other than the fact that I haven't got my finger out and learnt
> > the neccessary to add it myself ;) )?
> In FreeBSD 7 and above all three firewall packages included with FreeBSD
> understand both IPv4 and IPv6.  Read the ipfw(8) man page for details on
> how to setup IPv6 rules.

Oh wait ... you asked something different.  Yeah, that would be nice to have.  
pf does it.  If you need a reference.

/"\  Best regards,                      | mlaier at freebsd.org
\ /  Max Laier                          | ICQ #67774661
 X   http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/  | mlaier at EFnet
/ \  ASCII Ribbon Campaign              | Against HTML Mail and News

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