ipfw, pipes, queues, weights and managing an Internet connection

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Tue Jun 12 23:43:03 UTC 2007

On Jun 12, 2007, at 4:10 PM, Lubomir Georgiev wrote:
>  Second, since I'm going to be making changes to your ruleset in  
> order to
> match it to my needs could you please comment it a little because I'm
> relatively new to ipfw+dummynet and some of the lines seem *really*  
> strange
> to me... I'm talking about the - iptos,proto,tcpflags, lowdelay and  
> iplen
> commands. They don't make any sence to me and I couldn't find  
> anything about
> the in the man pages... Maybe I'm just stupid? Would you please  
> explain if
> you have the time....

You want to read "man ipfw" carefully.

The basic idea is that Mark is trying to match certain specific types  
of traffic (ie, a packet with IPTOS_LOWDELAY set), or very short ACK- 
only packets, in order to prioritize them over larger data-oriented  
stuff like rsync in order to do better for interactive sessions, VoIP  
traffic, and stuff like that.


PS: After you've read "man ipfw" carefully, think about it for a  
while, play around with some simple rules, and then re-read it  
again.  It's not quite as dense as RFC-793, but it's not far off,  
either.  :-)

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