[PATCH] ipfwpcap(8)

Vadim Goncharov vadimnuclight at tpu.ru
Tue Dec 18 03:52:23 PST 2007

18.12.07 @ 17:21 Sergey Matveychuk wrote:

>>  I've recently found a patch (also available at  
>> http://antigreen.org/vadim/freebsd/ipfwpcap/) made by me and my friend  
>> in January to ipfwpcap(8) introduced in 7.0. Now it have more features,
> Unfortunately too old to apply.

Mislooked that, sorry. But revision 1.3 differs only with line signal  
(SIGINT, ...); - which my patch also includes. I've attached patch against  
current revision 1.3 (use it instead of original letter's one).

> And using of pidfile_* functions from libutil is preferable IMHO.

Surely, but I think that should be another commit, as not a user-visible  

WBR, Vadim Goncharov
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