IPTABLES to IPFW for Packet Inspection Filtering

Corey Smith csmith at bonddesk.com
Fri Apr 28 19:27:01 UTC 2006

Daniel Walker wrote:
> IPTABLES allows for string matching.  IPFW does not.  I'll 
> have to fire up my Ubuntu to do this.
This has been brought up before on this list.  IPFW does not intend on 
ever supporting string matching as a standard feature.  The developers 
feel that this kind of expensive operation does not belong in the kernel 
with IPFW.

This does not mean that this functionality is impossible to do with 

AFAIK String match deny processing should be done using divert(4) 
sockets like natd.  You use IPFW to divert outgoing DNS requests to your 
natd-like (userland) process.  This process determines whether or not it 
contains your string and blocks the request/response if it does.

Unfortunately I'm not aware of a userland app that does this today.

-Corey Smith

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