
Gilberto Villani Brito linux at giboia.org
Tue Apr 18 12:43:53 UTC 2006

Hi, thanks for help, but I read many thinks about fwd and anything works.
I would like know if I put:
# ipfw add fwd 200.x.x.2 ip from any to any
and trace route to somewhere, it is passed through GW1 (200.x.x.1) and not through GW2 (200.x.x.2).

This is the why I posted here.


On Wed, 12 Apr 2006 14:46:19 -0700
Bill Fumerola <billf at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 09:29:32AM -0300, Gilberto Villani Brito wrote:
> > I would make load-balancing using ipfw, but I have 2 routers in the same interface:
> > 
> > FreeBSD (200.xxx.xxx.3) -------> GW1 (200.xxx.xxx.1) (63%)
> >                             |--> GW2 (200.xxx.xxx.2) (33%)
> > 
> > How can I make load-balancing using ipfw???
> > 
> > I'm using pf (pass out on em0 route-to (em0 200.xxx.xxx.2) round-robin from any to any keep state probability 33%), but I would like use just one firewall.
> the same concept you're using applies to ipfw:
> # ipfw add prob 0.33 fwd 200.x.x.2 ip from any to any
> or if you have multiple interfaces:
> # ipfw add prob 0.33 fwd 200.x.x.2 ip from any to any xmit em0
> any laziness-induced syntax errors i've made notwithstanding those should
> work fine. remember to compile IPFIREWALL_FORWARD and enable ip forwarding.
> -- bill
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