Load Balancing Outgoing, its possible ?

G Bryant gbryant at roamingsolutions.net
Fri Oct 28 08:21:16 PDT 2005

Daniel Dias Gonçalves wrote:

> Complicated ? Its possible ?
>                                       TELECOM
>                                LOAD SHARING PER PACKET
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>       |         |          |                          |          
> |        |
>       |         |          |                          |          
> |        |
> -------------------------------------           
> -------------------------------------
> CISCO 2600 (6mbps)                                  HAUWEI (6mbps)
> LOAD SHARING PER PACKET                             LOAD SHARING PER 
> -------------------------------------           
> -------------------------------------
>             Ethernet (64.XX.XX.1/30)                      Ethernet 
> (65.XX.XX.1/30)                      
> |                                               |
>                     |                                               |
>                     |                                               |
>             XL0 (64.XX.XX.2/30)                            XL1 
> (65.XX.XX.2/30)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> FREEBSD 5.4 + PF
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>                  XL2 (, 64.XX.XX.5/30, 65.XX.XX.5/30)
>                                           |
>                                           |
>                                   ------------------
>                                         SWITCH        
> ------------------------------- IP: 65.XX.XX.6/30
> ------------------                                                GW: 
> 65.XX.XX.5
>                                /                     \
>                               /                       \
>               IP:                      IP: 64.XX.XX.6/30
>               GW:                        GW: 64.XX.XX.5
>               and more clients ...                           
> I need load balancing outgoing traffic from:
> ( NAT )
> and 64.XX.XX.0/24, 65.XX.XX.0/24
> It is possible to make this balancing with the PF ? Exists some 
> software that I make this ? Zebra can help me?
> This type of balancing gives to problems with the navigation of the 
> user of NAT or IP valid ?
> If it is possible, wanted to see examples with rules.
> Thanks,
If you do not manage to come right with PF, I have a working example of 
a similar setup using IPFW & natd.
Let me know if you would like the config files.

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