rules to permit only few MAC address

vitadiazlistas vitadiazlistas at
Fri Jul 8 15:22:34 GMT 2005

  Excuse very I am interested in learning like allowing and to deny MAC in
  my network and that I have LAN and WLAN with that I solve the subject of
  the accesses nonallowed.
  What they have been writing does not remove to me from the doubt to be
  able for control of access by MAC, they podrian to me to explain a
  little but of the subject since to continuation of that I must it does
  In an answer of Robert Klein it appears that contol by MAC this dice
  from layer 2 and layer 3 in the other mail does not appear.
  The example serves but profit not to understand to me like doing
  firewall with those data.
  I am thankful to him from already to all.
  Excuse my ingles is of translator.


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