Dummynet delay

Alvaro Saurin alvaro.saurin at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 06:55:51 PST 2005


I have been using dummynet for some time and there is something that  
I find very strange: in order to get a RTT, I have to use much lower  
delay when I create the pipe.

For example, in a typical dumbell, for a 100ms RTT, I have to set up  
the pipe in the router with 'delay 23', for 20ms I need 'delay 4',  
and so on. With dummynet off, the RTT is <1ms.

Could anybody tell me why is this happening? Looking at the RTTs, it  
seems that every packet is delayed 4 times. It this right? It is not  
too important, really, but I would like to know if I have set up  
everything correctly.

Thanks in advance


Alvaro Saurin <alvaro.saurin at gmail.com> <saurin at dcs.gla.ac.uk>

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