IPFW ip masking and stateful connections

jstarng jstarng at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 18:38:42 GMT 2005

two questions:
1. I'm having some trouble setting up a some rules.

i have two networks one: and the other

I want to prevent anyone from using services (like sharing folders)
from one network to the other

i tried a line:
$c 00450 deny UDP from to

but i think that's wrong because when i do an IPFW show it lists it as:
00450 deny udp from to

I guess i'm not really understanding how bit masks work on ip ranges.
what's the correct range i should use

2. Also whenever i try to use stateful connections it seems that my
setup keep-state rules are ignored. The packet will be denied even
though it matches one of the "allow" rules...

additionally i never see any packet counts by the check-state rule.

here's my current ruleset


c="ipfw add"
skip="skipto 60000"
skiplog="skipto 60002"
denylog="skipto 59999"

#Legitemate External IP's
$iDNS = ","

#Legitemate Internal IP's

ipfw -f -q flush #flush existing rules

$c 00001 divert natd all from any to any
$c 00002 check-state

#Redirect traffic based on direction
#ed0 is the network with the internet connection
$c 00003 skipto 100 all from any to any in via ed0
$c 00004 skipto 200 all from any to any in via vr0
$c 00005 skipto 398 all from any to any out via ed0
$c 00006 skipto 400 all from any to any out via vr0

#In via lo0 50
$c 00007 $skip TCP from 25 to in via lo0

#In via ed0 100
$c 00100 $skip UDP from any to in via ed0 #Broadcast
$c 00102 $skip UDP from any 137 to 137 in via ed0 #shares
$c 00103 $skip UDP from any 138 to 138 in via ed0 #shares
$c 00104 $skip UDP from $iDNS 53 to $iInternet in via ed0 #DNS
$c 00110 $skip TCP from to $iMe 22 in via ed0 #SSH from me
$c 00111 $skip TCP from any to $iInternet in via ed0
$c 00112 $skip TCP from any to $iMe 139 in via ed0
$c 00199 $skiplog all from any to any in via ed0

#In via vr0 200
$c 00200 $skip all from $iInternet to any in via vr0
$c 00295 $skip UDP from any to 60001 in via vr0 #Broadcast
$c 00296 $skip TCP from any to $iMe2 139 in via vr0
$c 00297 $skip UDP from any 137 to 137 in via vr0
$c 00298 $skip UDP from any 138 to 138 in via vr0
$c 00299 $skiplog all from any to any in via vr0

#out via ed0 300
$c 00398 $skip all from $iMe to any out via ed0
$c 00399 $skiplog all from any to any out via ed0

#out via vr0 400
$c 00400 $skip all from any to $iInternet out via vr0

$c 00498 $skip TCP from $iMe2 139 to any out via vr0
$c 00499 $skiplog all from any to any out via vr0

#Deny and log
$c 59999 deny log logamount 1000 all from any to any
$c 60000 allow TCP from any to any setup keep-state
$c 60001 allow UDP from any to any keep-state
$c 60002 allow log logamount 1000 TCP from any to any setup keep-state
$c 60003 allow log logamount 1000 UDP from any to any keep-state
$c 60004 deny log logamount 1000 all from any to any

ipfw zero

any help would be appreciated.

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